A Volunteer's Story: From Belgium to Khayelitsha, with love
In 2012 I visited South Africa for the first time with the University of Antwerp to learn about wildlife. Being in South Africa was such...

Vaccinating during parvo season
I remember back in the late 70s and early 80s when parvovirus first became a problem. I remember that distinctive smell. I remember the...

'Animals Deserve Life' Says Man Who Once Had Dog Buried Alive
His crime was almost unspeakably cruel: In 2011, high school principal Manono Makhaphela ordered two janitors to bury Lily, a disabled...

Applications Open for Global Youth and Wildlife Forum, South Africa
(Cape Town, South Africa – 02 November 2015) The search is on for 20 of the world’s brightest conservationists, aged 18 to 25, to join...

Cape Times - Unwanted animals need your help
Appeared in Cape Times