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The Two Oceans Aquarium supports the Mdzananda Animal Clinic

At the end of last year we were alerted to the existence of the Mdzananda Animal Clinic, which is based in Khayelitsha, and we have decided to “adopt” this organisation and assist them where we can.

We have still to formalise our partnership, but wanted to let you know about this remarkable team and also let you know how you can help them this winter.

Mdzananda has been caring for the pets of Khayelitsha residents and those further afield for 20 years. From the humble beginnings of a shipping container with no water or electricity, the organisation now has a clinic and theatre, an emergency ambulance service, mobile clinics and mobile education units. They operate six days a week and see over 1 000 pets every month.

You might be wondering why we would want to partner with an organisation that, on the face of it, has nothing to do with the environment, let alone the oceans. However, everything in the world in which we live is interconnected and interdependent. Everything we do on land affects the oceans in some way or another, so it makes sense to us to support an organisation whose mission and vision is aligned with ours. The Mdzananda Animal Clinic “strives to see a community that cares for every animal be it a pet, neighbour's pet, stray or farm animal. A community that loves animals is a healthy community. By looking after an animal people learn responsibility, respect for life, compassion and non-violence.”

Caring for the planet and for all of the beings with which we share this only home starts at home and in our schools and communities. If we can instill the ethics of responsibility, love, respect for all life and compassion in all our citizens, we have a better chance of ensuring a thriving and resilient planet for everyone, now and tomorrow. Healthy communities lead to healthy oceans which lead to a healthy planet.

How to help

With the onset of the cold of winter, the Mdzananda Animal Clinic is appealing for assistance and donations. They are currently building 24 new runs and need building materials such as cement, sand, stone, wire mesh, cement blocks, brick force, roof sheeting, guttering, wooden pallets, timber and gates. They also require dog kennels, blankets, hot water bottles and dog beds as well as dog and cat food, cat litter, washing powder, black bags, leads and collars, and newspapers.

You can drop off any of these items at the Two Oceans Aquarium or make a donation to Mdzananda:

Mdzananda Animal Clinic

Standard Bank

Account number: 075595710

Branch: Rondebosch

Branch Code: 025009

Reference: winter+Your Name.

Alternatively you can put together a Wagging Winter Shoebox:

Puppy Shoebox: Hills A/D tinned food (for recovering pups), Milko Pup (for bottle fed pups), puppy food (soft or hard), washing powder (to wash blankets) and a roll of black bags (for daily disposal of dirty newspaper cage lining)

Dog Shoebox: Soft tinned food, pellet dog food, lead, collar, chewy treat, washing powder (to wash blankets) and a roll of black bags (for daily disposal of dirty newspaper cage lining)

Cat Shoebox: Soft food, pellet cat food, cat litter, catnip treat, washing powder (to wash blankets) and a roll of black bags (for daily disposal of dirty newspaper cage lining)

Kitten Shoebox: Hills A/D tinned food (for recovering kittens), soft food, pellet cat food, cat litter, catnip treat, washing powder (to wash blankets) and a roll of black bags (for daily disposal of dirty newspaper cage lining)

If you prefer to sponsor a shoebox instead of packing a box this is also very welcome:

Puppy Shoebox – R350

Dog Shoebox – R335

Cat Shoebox – R200

Kitten Shoe Box – R300

You can drop off any of these items at the Two Oceans Aquarium or make a donation to Mdzananda:

Mdzananda Animal Clinic

Standard Bank

Account number: 075595710

Branch: Rondebosch

Branch Code: 025009

Use the relevant reference: Pupbox + your name / Dogbox + yourname / Catbox + yourname / Kittenbox + yourname

Mandela Day idea

If you are wondering where to spend your 67 minutes on Mandela Day, why not join Mdzananda and help build kennels for the pets of Khayelitsha?

Public groups: Saturday 16th July 10am - 2pm

Corporate groups: Monday 18 July before 1pm

Bring along:


Measuring tape


Paint brushes

If you have nails, varnish or paint feel free to bring that along too

Ensure to bring water to stay hydrated, some snacks to stay energised and protection from the sun and rain gear if its raining

Cost: R67 / R167, you choose which donation you wish to make towards covering the costs of the kennel materials

Mdzananda Animal Clinic

Standard Bank

Account number: 075595710

Branch: Rondebosch

Branch Code: 025009

Reference: KennelBuild+Your Name

Space is limited. Ensure to book your spot by sending your RSVP and proof of donation to

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