Introducing Cindy, Mdzananda's newest resident dog
Hello Mdzananda Friends I would like to introduce myself - my name is Cindy. I arrived at the Mdzananda Animal Clinic at the end of 2016 when my owners handed me over as they could no longer look after me. Something must be special about me because the staff at the Mdzananda Animal Clinic fell in love with me. They played with me, kissed me and cuddled me. And then they gave me really good news! I had been officially adopted into the Mdzananda Animal Clinic family as the newest and (currently) only resident dog. I am really excited to be a resident pet. Resident pets are adopted by the clinic staff and the clinic becomes their forever home. My job at Mdzananda is to welcome all the patients to the clinic, to greet all our patients in the hospital and theatre on a daily basis, to play with the staff and make them smile and to educate children visiting the clinic on animal care. If anyone would like to SPONSOR me that would be really pawesome! You can sponsor me at R450 per month to cover all my costs. Even if you wish to sponsor R50 or R100 towards my monthly costs that would be really pawsome too! Friends are also very welcome to come visit me or to take me for walks. I would really love that! Thank you Mdzananda staff for adopting me and giving me a new home.