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Join us in the fight against Rabies - We will vaccinate 200 dogs for World Rabies Day - Sponsor on

International World Rabies Day is on the 28th of September. This year we aim to vaccinate 200 dogs on the day. We will be hosting a mass vaccination day for the pets of Khayelitsha. Community members are invited to bring their pets and have them vaccinated for free. Rabies is a deadly virus that can spread to people from the saliva of infected animals. 99% of human cases result from dog bites and are fatal once symptoms occur. Apart from putting humans in danger the virus causes extreme pain, discomfort and leads to the death of the infected dog. But it is 100% preventable through a simple vaccination. Help us reach 200 dogs. Sponsor a rabies vaccination for just R50. We're lucky to be getting the vaccinations for free. Your R50 will cover the cost of administering the vaccination including the needles, syringes, gloves and staff. Help even further Sponsor an extra R50 to give the same dog a vaccination against deadly diseases including Parvo Virus, Distemper, Parainfluenza and Adenovirus.

No dog needs to experience this...

Mdzananda Animal Clinic, Standard Bank, 075595710, Rondebosch, 025009, Reference: Rabies+YourName Snapscan:

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21297 Govan Mbeki Road Khayelitsha | 021 367 6001 | 068 385 9655

Opening hours: Mon, Wens, Fri - 8 am - 4 pm | Tues, Thurs 9 am - 4 pm | Sat 8 am - 12:30 noon 

Please note: our consultations rooms may close earlier on some days if there are long queues. This is for us to be able to serve everyone in the queue before closing time

After hour emergencies: SPCA 083 326 1604 / Cape Animal Medical Centre - 24 h Private Practice in Kenilworth (full private practice rates will be charged): 021 674 0034

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